6701 Yacht Club Drive, Panama City, FL 32404
Property Location and Similar Properties
Waterfront Description
- BayAccess
- BoatDockSlip
- Bayou
- IntracoastalAccess
- Seawall
- Waterfront
Accessibility Features
- AccessibleElevatorInstalled
- Dryer
- Dishwasher
- EnergyStarQualifiedAppliances
- Freezer
- GasCooktop
- Disposal
- GasOven
- GasRange
- IceMaker
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- TanklessWaterHeater
- WineRefrigerator
- Washer
Association Amenities
- Dock
- Gated
Home Owners Association Fee
- 367.00
Home Owners Association Fee Includes
- AssociationManagement
- FishingRights
- LegalAccounting
- MaintenanceGrounds
Exterior Features
- BuiltInBarbecue
- Balcony
- SprinklerIrrigation
- OutdoorShower
- Patio
Green Energy Efficient
- Appliances
Interior Features
- WetBar
- Bookcases
- CentralVacuum
- Elevator
- Fireplace
- HighCeilings
- KitchenIsland
- SplitBedrooms
- SmartThermostat
Legal Description
- Lots 6 and 6A and 7
- East Bay Preserve according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in plat book 19 page 11 public records of bay county florida.
Lot Features
- Cleared
- CornerLot
- CulDeSac
- DeadEnd
- Waterfront
Middle School
- Rutherford Middle
Area Major
- 02 - Bay County - Central
Parcel Number
- 07232-906-000
Parking Features
- AdditionalParking
- Attached
- Garage
- GolfCartGarage
Road Frontage Type
- PrivateRoad
- ElectricityConnected
- Propane
- TrashCollection
- UndergroundUtilities
- WaterAvailable
- Bay
- Bayou
- Intercoastal