8127 Lagoon Drive, Panama City, FL 32408
Property Location and Similar Properties
Possible Terms
- Cash
- Conventional
Waterfront Description
- BoatDockSlip
- DockAccess
- Waterfront
- DoubleOven
- WasherDryerStacked
- Dishwasher
- EnergyStarQualifiedAppliances
- ElectricCooktop
- ElectricOven
- ElectricWaterHeater
- Disposal
- GasWaterHeater
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
- CentralAir
- CeilingFans
Exterior Features
- Balcony
- SprinklerIrrigation
- OutdoorShower
- Patio
Green Energy Efficient
- Appliances
Interior Features
- BreakfastBar
- Fireplace
- KitchenIsland
- Pantry
- RecessedLighting
- SplitBedrooms
- Shutters
- Loft
Legal Description
- 5 4S 15W -1.1G6- 58A3 COM AT SE COR OF SEC TH W 2591.64' NELY 224.68' TO SLY R/W N LAG DR NWLY 2255.80' FOR POB TH CONT NWLY 100.07' SWLY 380' TO GRAND LAGOON SELY 100' NLY 392' M/L TO POB ORB 1545 P 75
Middle School
- Breakfast Point
Area Major
- 03 - Bay County - Beach
Parcel Number
- 30166-044-030
Parking Features
- Boat
- CircularDriveway
- Garage
- GarageDoorOpener
- Oversized
- RvAccessParking
Pool Features
- Gunite
- ElectricHeat
- InGround
- Private
- ScreenEnclosure
- SaltWater
Road Frontage Type
- CityStreet
School Elementary
- Breakfast Point
- SepticAvailable
- WaterConnected