2623 Magnolia Point Road, Panama City, FL 32408
Property Location and Similar Properties
Waterfront Description
- BayAccess
- Bayou
- DockAccess
- Waterfront
- Dryer
- Dishwasher
- ElectricOven
- ElectricRange
- ElectricWaterHeater
- Disposal
- Refrigerator
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
- Under Contract - Taking Backups
- CentralAir
- Electric
Exterior Features
- StormSecurityShutters
Interior Features
- Attic
- Bookcases
- Fireplace
- HighCeilings
- PullDownAtticStairs
- VaultedCeilings
Legal Description
- 11 4S 15W -9- 80C A LOT IN & PART OF ORIG LOT 4 AKA LOTS 5
- 6 & 7 BLK A UNREC MAGNOLIA BCH ORB 1572 P 1430 ORB 4465 P 1786
Area Major
- 03 - Bay County - Beach
Parcel Number
- 31268-000-000
Parking Features
- AdditionalParking
- CircularDriveway
- Garage
Road Frontage Type
- CountyRoad
- Easement
- PrivateRoad
School Elementary
- Patronis
- ElectricityConnected
- SepticAvailable
- WaterConnected