1210 State Road 17 S, DUNDEE, FL 33838
Property Location and Similar Properties
Waterfront Description
- Lake
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
- Wall/Window Unit(s)
- Wall Units / Window Unit
Legal Description
- FLA HIGHLANDS CO SUB OR LAKE JOSEPHINE VILLA LOTS PB 1 PG 87 LOTS 5 & 6 PART DES AS COMM SE COR LOT 6 RUN N 17 DEG 30 MIN 04 SEC W 130 FT S 72 DEG 25 MIN 43 SEC W 228.25 FT FOR POB RUN S 72 DEG 25 MIN 43 SEC W 246.34 FT N 01 DEG 37 MIN 51 SEC W 75.4 FT N 06 DEG 33 MIN 10 SEC W 133.81 FT N 63 DEG 18 MIN 04 SEC E 201.42 FT TO R/W SELY ALONG R/W 63.96 FT S 03 DEG 22 MIN 20 SEC E 228.36 FT TO POB
Parcel Number
- 27-28-27-835520-000054
Property Type
- Residential Income
- Electricity Connected
- Sewer Connected
- Water Connected
Virtual Tour Url
- https://www.propertypanorama.com/instaview/stellar/TB8323845