7531 Harvey Street, Callaway, FL 32404
Property Location and Similar Properties
- Dishwasher
- ElectricRange
- Refrigerator
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
Legal Description
- LILLIAN CARLISLE PLAT 131D4 BLK 1 COM NW COR OF SE1/4 N 150.46' E 662.01' S 696.94' E 343.00' FOR POB TH E 50.' N 169.57' TH W 50.00' S 169.71' TO POB ORB 4825 P 1712
Middle School
- Rutherford Middle
Area Major
- 02 - Bay County - Central
Parcel Number
- 06518-010-015
School Elementary
- Callaway
- UndergroundUtilities