20405 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Property Location and Similar Properties
Possible Terms
- Conventional
- Other
Waterfront Description
- Gulf
- Waterfront
- DoubleOven
- Dryer
- Dishwasher
- ElectricCooktop
- ElectricRange
- Disposal
- GasWaterHeater
- IceMaker
- Microwave
- PlumbedForIceMaker
- Refrigerator
- RangeHood
- TanklessWaterHeater
- Washer
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
- CentralAir
- Electric
Exterior Features
- BuiltInBarbecue
- Balcony
- Deck
- SprinklerIrrigation
- OutdoorKitchen
- OutdoorShower
Interior Features
- HighCeilings
- KitchenIsland
- RecessedLighting
- VaultedCeilings
- Loft
Legal Description
- LAGUNA BEACH ESTATES PART LOT 1 BLK 2A: COMM ELY COR LOT 1 BLK 2A S28W 25' N61W 3' FOR POB TH S28W 70' N61W 31.25' N28E 30' N61W 3.25'N28E 40' N61E 34.50 TO POB AKA UNIT 1 ORB 4500 P 1669
Area Major
- 03 - Bay County - Beach
Parcel Number
- 36627-000-000
Road Frontage Type
- CityStreet
School Elementary
- West Bay