16xx Concierge Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
MLS#: 1078597 ( Land )
- Street Address: 16xx Concierge Boulevard
- Viewed: 60
- Price: $2,000,000
- Price sqft: $0
- Waterfront: No
- Year Built: Not Available
- Bldg sqft: 0
Property Location and Similar Properties
Legal Description
- 3-15-32 E 180.82 FT OF W 1495.77 FT N OF LPGA BLVD & MEAS 565.54 FT ON W/L & 391.90 FT ON N/L PER OR 5512 PG 914 PER OR 6082 PGS 3931-3933 PER OR 7385 PG 3472
Parcel Number
- 5203-00-00-0015