8572 Lindhurst Circle, Citrus Springs, FL 34433
Property Location and Similar Properties
Possible Terms
- Cash
- Conventional
- VaLoan
- ElectricOven
- MicrowaveHoodFan
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
Exterior Features
- RoomForPool
- SatelliteDish
- UnpavedDriveway
High School
- Crystal River High
Interior Features
- Furnished
- LaminateCounters
- PrimarySuite
- SplitBedrooms
- ShowerOnly
- SeparateShower
- WalkInClosets
- WoodCabinets
Legal Description
- refer to paperclip attachment due to length.
Lot Features
- Acreage
- Rectangular
- Trees
- Wooded
Middle School
- Crystal River Middle
Other Structures
- Barns
- Sheds
- Storage
- Workshop
Parking Features
- Driveway
- Detached
- Garage
- Unpaved
- RvAccessParking
School Elementary
- Citrus Springs Elementary
Virtual Tour Url
- https://player.vimeo.com/video/964495806?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479