116 S 37th Street, Mexico Beach, FL 32456
Property Location and Similar Properties
Possible Terms
- Cash
- Conventional
- VaLoan
Waterfront Description
- Gulf
- Waterfront
- Dishwasher
- Disposal
- GasOven
- Microwave
- TanklessWaterHeater
Home Owners Association Fee
- 0.00
Interior Features
- KitchenIsland
Legal Description
- Legal: MEXICO BEACH UNIT 5(10.5)213D1 BEG NE COR LOT 11 BLK 5 TH SWLY 212' NWLY 28. 69' NELY 215.69' SELY 26.53' TO POB. AKA UNIT 1 BLK 5 ORB 4354 P 754
Lot Features
- Cleared
- CornerLot
- Waterfront
Middle School
- Port St. Joe
Area Major
- 05 - Bay County - East
Parcel Number
- 04639-280-000
Road Frontage Type
- CityStreet
School Elementary
- Port St. Joe
- CableAvailable
- ElectricityConnected
- NaturalGasConnected
- HighSpeedInternetAvailable
- SewerConnected
- WaterConnected
Virtual Tour Url
- https://my.matterport.com/models/oD1GtekZuGb